I'm from Fire Earth -
Em Em Em ..
School reopen almost 12days le ! XD
But i feel it almost pass le half year -.-
Nanda Gor change le everything in school, included all the class name !
My class is 5 EARTH ! XD
Too normal liaw, bu yeng also . TT
First day go to school...
Feel so crazy XD
All kena #LikeALouSai fever . XD
Feel so happy to see you guys !
School reopen almost 12days le ! XD
But i feel it almost pass le half year -.-
Nanda Gor change le everything in school, included all the class name !
My class is 5 EARTH ! XD
Too normal liaw, bu yeng also . TT
First day go to school...
Feel so crazy XD
All kena #LikeALouSai fever . XD
Feel so happy to see you guys !